A Short Love Letter
I am going to take a moment and say that I have a glimmer of hope that we may somehow find our way to a world that does not condone cruelty and violence but continues to wake up to the historic and systemic trauma that is as the heart of so much of the state of things.
I am taking a deep exhale as I imagine those fueled by hate and propped up by algorithmic manipulation and disinformation being stopped in their tracks, somehow able to see the harm that is perpetuated when we do not do the inner work of healing and the outer work of change from a state of connection and care for the whole.
I imagine that we can stop the utter destruction of the planet and that we can build new pathways to sustainability and living in relationship with all beings.
I imagine that we can slow down enough to honor the stare of our being more than anything that we do.
I imagine we will figure out how to sing together again.
I miss you.
I am here…facing my own shadow places and still taking risks. And I invite you to see (as always) how you might use whatever resources you have to become a voice for justice, healing and creativity.
This is my work and yours. NOW more than ever. So many folks are dealing with isolation, despair, illness, grief, and loss. Can you use your voice and your resources to help?
I love you.
What can be your offering, your song and your gift? Please know that there is no act too small or too invisible. All that we do…every action, every time we speak up and out, every time we listen deeply, every time we reach out to another, has an impact.
This is not a newsletter about upcoming events….just a short love letter to the part of you that may feel overwhelmed or fatigued or frightened. The work of change is both an inside and an outside job…a dance and a dedication.
As the winter months come, I will be writing and filming some offerings so stay tuned for ways to plug in and stay connected.