Enchantment - Drumming and Chant Ritual Skills
to Apr 13

Enchantment - Drumming and Chant Ritual Skills

 Suzanne returns to the Villagewitch Hive in Seattle for more skill building in singing, writing and working with chants for building powerful and gorgeous rituals. We will also dive deeper into drumming and rhythm as potent tools for raising energy.

Humans have been singing and calling out in devotion in ritual since the beginning of time and that call is both a yearning and an invitation. What holy longing calls your soul of expression up and out, with offerings and incantations to the Mysterious Ones? 

In this class we will learn wonderful ways to work with rhythm, chant and song to create ritual magic and to feel a joyful, embodied connection with Source.  We will learn 2 simple drum rhythms that can work with most chants, and we will explore ways to use rhythm as a profound magical energy raising tool.  

We will also delve deeply into the powerful world of sound and singing as we learn about the science behind our voices and how singing has been an instrument of ritual from the beginning of time.  We will learn some chants that have the power to enhance our magic and we will explore our own creative expression as ritualists through trance, movement, writing and song.  

We are all possess creativity and our voices are our birthright.  Will you dare explore the unknown in search of your imagination and inspiration?   Will you dive into your own creative devotion and open to spirit as it flows into word, story and song? 

This class is designed for folks wanting to gain musical ritual skills to enhance their lives.  There is no prior experience necessary for this class however a familiarity with Reclaiming style ritual is helpful. 

email Horizon@villagewitchtherapy.com to register

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The Earth Mysteries with Suzanne and Seraphina
to May 4

The Earth Mysteries with Suzanne and Seraphina

Advanced Training In Sacromagical Arts with Suzanne Sterling & Seraphina Capranos

The Earth Mysteries 

A 3-part series for walking the mystic path in modern times.  

Salt Spring Island, British Columbia.

 PART 1: May 2, 3, 4

PART 2: July 11,12, 13

PART 3: Sept 26, 27, 28

Friday 7:00 pm- 9:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 - 5:00
Sunday 10:00 - 4:30

  In this unique 3-part series we refine our ability to listen and learn skills from the more than human realm. These practices will provide strong emotional, mental and physical strength, and deep spiritual nourishment. With these tools we can refute despair and cultivate the ancient wisdom and true power that supports courageous healing. 

 These practices come from a long lineage of wisdom-keepers who have kept esoteric teachings alive so we can survive, and thrive, in times of hardship.  

This is an in-person event on Salt Spring Island, BC. The exact location will be emailed to registrants. 

https://www.seraphinacapranos.com/the-earth-mysteries to register 

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Sacred Waters Costa Rica
to May 31

Sacred Waters Costa Rica

Sacred Waters Costa Rica 2025 

Imagine this: gathering on sacred land, nestled between the forest and ocean, surrounded by a vibrant community ready to step into a new freedom. Together, we’ll transform old stories into strengths through powerful practices and rituals that connect you to your most joyful, creative self. We’ll dive deep into sacred waters, shapeshift with the energy of fire, and sing songs of remembrance.

In 2024, we held our first Sacred Waters Immersion in Bali, where we cleansed, sang, moved, and offered prayers to the sacred rivers and springs. In that holy land, something shifted within us—we not only understood but deeply felt the power of the waters. We made a collective commitment to honor the waters in our own homes and across the world. We vowed to continue learning and teaching the sacred ways of water, offering ourselves as stewards of this precious element.

Now, we invite you to join us on the lands of Chorotega people in Costa Rica. This 7-day journey, will have us cleanse, dance, sing, and tap into our deepest creativity. Together, we’ll co-create rituals of healing and joy, embodying the forces of flow and flame to awaken our self-expression. We’ll rest deeply, and support local projects that protect the waters and her creatures.

This experience is for healers, creatives, and activists ready to share their magic with the world. You’ll leave with clarity, inspiration, and a liberated spirit that continues to grow long after you return home.

hTo Register: https://www.yokemagazine.com/sacredwaters2025

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The Earth Mysteries with Suzanne and Seraphina
to Jul 13

The Earth Mysteries with Suzanne and Seraphina

Advanced Training In Sacromagical Arts with Suzanne Sterling & Seraphina Capranos

The Earth Mysteries 

A 3-part series for walking the mystic path in modern times.  

Salt Spring Island, British Columbia.

 PART 1: May 2, 3, 4

PART 2: July 11,12, 13

PART 3: Sept 26, 27, 28

Friday 7:00 pm- 9:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 - 5:00
Sunday 10:00 - 4:30

  In this unique 3-part series we refine our ability to listen and learn skills from the more than human realm. These practices will provide strong emotional, mental and physical strength, and deep spiritual nourishment. With these tools we can refute despair and cultivate the ancient wisdom and true power that supports courageous healing. 

 These practices come from a long lineage of wisdom-keepers who have kept esoteric teachings alive so we can survive, and thrive, in times of hardship.  

This is an in-person event on Salt Spring Island, BC. The exact location will be emailed to registrants. 

https://www.seraphinacapranos.com/the-earth-mysteries to register 

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The Earth Mysteries with Suzanne and Seraphina
to Sep 28

The Earth Mysteries with Suzanne and Seraphina

Advanced Training In Sacromagical Arts with Suzanne Sterling & Seraphina Capranos

The Earth Mysteries 

A 3-part series for walking the mystic path in modern times.  

Salt Spring Island, British Columbia.

 PART 1: May 2, 3, 4

PART 2: July 11,12, 13

PART 3: Sept 26, 27, 28

Friday 7:00 pm- 9:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 - 5:00
Sunday 10:00 - 4:30

  In this unique 3-part series we refine our ability to listen and learn skills from the more than human realm. These practices will provide strong emotional, mental and physical strength, and deep spiritual nourishment. With these tools we can refute despair and cultivate the ancient wisdom and true power that supports courageous healing. 

 These practices come from a long lineage of wisdom-keepers who have kept esoteric teachings alive so we can survive, and thrive, in times of hardship.  

This is an in-person event on Salt Spring Island, BC. The exact location will be emailed to registrants. 

https://www.seraphinacapranos.com/the-earth-mysteries to register 

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Mantras and Molecules with Dave Stringer, Suzanne and Joss Jaffe at Sivananda Ashram in the Bahamas
to Mar 2

Mantras and Molecules with Dave Stringer, Suzanne and Joss Jaffe at Sivananda Ashram in the Bahamas

Discover the Bliss Within: A Transformative Workshop with Dave, Suzanne and Joss

Are you ready to unlock the boundless joy that lies within you? Eastern philosophy and modern brain science both agree: the bliss we seek is already inside us, waiting to be discovered. This exhilarating workshop, led by Dave, will guide you through powerful practices that reveal your innate state of bliss (understood as the electro-chemical state that the body itself produces) and transform your life.

What to Expect:

– Unlock Your Inner Bliss: Discover how chanting mantras, drumming, and dancing can help you access a profound state of flow. This unitary state of consciousness is where athletes and artists perform at their best, feeling at one with their expression. Experience the effortless action, complete focus, and timelessness that define this peak state.

– Enhance Creativity and Mental Acuity: Engage in practices that produce thrilling and calming hormonal and neurological changes. Boost your creativity, clarity, and calmness, and reach new levels of insight and inspiration.

– Experience Profound Connection: Move from individual practice to collective experience. Feel the magnified effects of unity as your sense of separation diminishes and your connection to others intensifies. Experience an intimate bond with those around you and feel intensely, vividly alive.

– Effortless Meditation: Reach and maintain a deep state of meditation effortlessly. Let the transformative power of these practices guide you into a state of inner peace and clarity.

Workshop Highlights:

– Direct Experience: Dive into singing, drumming, and meditation to experience the neurochemistry of ecstasy firsthand.
– Insightful Presentations: Learn about the emerging brain science of how music and yoga practices influence and alter our perceptions, mind, and spirit.
– Engaging Discussions: Participate in discussions that deepen your understanding of the connection between ancient practices and modern science.

Special Feature:

Dave will also lead several evenings of chanting, extending the transformative power of this workshop over two sessions. Immerse yourself in the healing vibrations of collective chanting and feel the profound effects ripple through your mind and body.

Join us for this extraordinary journey of self-discovery and transformation. Sign up now and step into a world where bliss is not just a fleeting moment, but a natural state of being. Unleash your inner joy, creativity, and connection—your blissful journey awaits!

Offered as 3 satsangs and 2 workshops (subject to change). https://sivanandabahamas.org/course/mantras-and-molecules-march-2025/

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to Jan 19

Ritual Music with Tarin and Suzanne

Ritual Music 2.0

This is a next step class for those who attended Ritual Music 1.0 as we’ll take deeper dives into designing rituals and collaborating on trances and other soundscapes, as well as brushing up on specific and relevant supportive skills of voice and body, drum and percussion.

One way we move between the worlds is with sound: Joyful, somber, cathartic, reflective, silent. In Reclaiming rituals, we sense and move energy with song and rhythm, induce and dive into trance using sonic techniques, hold the container with tone and breath, and raise power by chanting and drumming.

Some of the magician’s tools and the musician's tools are the same: The body, the voice, will and intuition. We will make these manifest using drums and other percussion, as well as other tricks from our witch’s toolbox: voice work, writing, trancing, divination, and deep witness.

We will learn ways to sculpt the magic scape with sound as well as how to listen and support the energy and intention of ritual with song and music. We will explore different chants for different ritual purposes and dive into the well of creativity to create our own chants.

If you have been called to play in the sonic realms of ritual, join us as we dive into the joy of musical magic!

Prerequisites: Ritual Music 1.0 or relevant experience….please contact us to discuss at tarintowers@mac.comhttps://forms.gle/f8g2ZNLjLP7ysvev6https://forms.gle/f8g2ZNLjLP7ysvev6

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to Jan 29

Protection Magic with Suzanne and Urania

Protection Magic with Suzanne & Urania
Wednesdays, Jan 8 to Jan 29, 2025

In fairytales one draws a circle of chalk or salt for protection. It might be a way to scare some people off. In the fairytales the devil cannot step into the circle. All the better if the drawer is pure of heart.

In this class we will explore ways we can protect and further develop our will in doing so. We will work with physical boundaries, stones and charms, herbs, salt and water, amulets, sigils, and symbols.

We will explore how to cleanse and protect our bodies and physical spaces such as the home, workplace and magical spaces. We will learn how to use protection spells for travel, legal battles, to block stalkers and also how to use protection spells for larger workings in the world.

Most importantly, we will do the deep inner work to develop the will needed to craft strong and necessary protection magic for our lives and these times. We look forward to dropping into the ancient wisdoms with you.

email suzanne@suzannesterling.com to register and for more information

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Sanctuary 11 week online wisdom circle

Sanctuary 11 week online wisdom circle

SANCTUARY with Suzanne Sterling 


11 Weeks of Guided Meditations, Song and Sacred Silence…together.  

Tuesdays Nov 12, 19, 26 , Dec 3, 10, 17, Jan 7, 14, 21, 28 and Feb 4

5:30 - 7:00PM (Pacific Time) 

“the times are urgent; let us slow down.” Bayo Akomolafe

Our first Sanctuary in 2023 was an incredible gathering of folks diving into self inquiry, meditation practice and deep listening to the wisdom within.  We witnessed each other; writers, artists, teachers, parents and leaders as we lay down the burden of always being “on” and allowed ourselves to be held in community. 

In this latest offering we will be building the Inner Temple where we can practice holding our own center amidst the storms of life and cultivating embodied ease and healing.  In Sanctuary, grief, fear and sorrow become the doorway into our soul work, while joy, connection and simplicity bring us to center.  We go into the inner realms to create safe haven for our nervous systems, bodies, hearts and minds and we amplify the power of each others experience.   

We will, once again, write, sing and be in silence together remembering the way that collective singing and pristine silence bathes us in connection.  Our healing practices will include soul cleansing, loving our shadow, embracing boundaries, cultivating joyful practices and enhancing our connection to the web of life.    

Each session will include: 

checkin questions and deep self inquiry

guided meditations 

sacred songs

journaling  and deep listening 

rituals of connection 

This will be a time and place for you to show up AS YOU ARE and to drop the mundane concerns and tap into your own mystical being and spiritual practices.  We will cultivate courage, acceptance, gratitude and ignite the inner fires that keep us going in difficult times.  Join the community of Spirit! 

click here to register for the full experience  https://suzannesterling.thrivecart.com/sanctuary/

email suzanne@suzannesterling.com to join the first session for free

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Working with Ritual Energy through Chant, Drum and Song with Suzanne Sterling

Location: Seattle WA
Cost: $125-$225, scholarship available
Register: email horizon@villagewitchtherapy.com

Humans have been singing and calling out in devotion in ritual since the beginning of time and that call is both a yearning and an invitation. What holy longing calls your soul of expression up and out, with offerings and incantations to the Mysterious Ones?

In this class we will learn wonderful ways to work with rhythm, chant and song to create ritual magic and to feel a joyful, embodied connection with Source. We will learn 2 simple drum rhythms that can work with most chants, and we will explore ways to use rhythm as a profound magical energy raising tool.

This class is designed for folks wanting to gain musical ritual skills to enhance their lives and rituals. There is no prior experience necessary for this class however a familiarity with Reclaiming style ritual is helpful.

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