Protection Magic with Suzanne & Urania
Wednesdays, Jan 8 to Jan 29, 2025
In fairytales one draws a circle of chalk or salt for protection. It might be a way to scare some people off. In the fairytales the devil cannot step into the circle. All the better if the drawer is pure of heart.
In this class we will explore ways we can protect and further develop our will in doing so. We will work with physical boundaries, stones and charms, herbs, salt and water, amulets, sigils, and symbols.
We will explore how to cleanse and protect our bodies and physical spaces such as the home, workplace and magical spaces. We will learn how to use protection spells for travel, legal battles, to block stalkers and also how to use protection spells for larger workings in the world.
Most importantly, we will do the deep inner work to develop the will needed to craft strong and necessary protection magic for our lives and these times. We look forward to dropping into the ancient wisdoms with you.
email to register and for more information