Sacred Activism
This world is calling for us to wake up from our comfort zone
Calling so profoundly that we simply cannot go back to the way we were…
Calling us to step out of old stories of colonization, oppression of self and others, religious dogma and violence as a solution.
It’s time that we heal our wounds and more boldly activate our courage and our gifts…to stand in fierce compassionate collaboration, to find our voice and to speak truth to power on behalf of ALL beings and the earth.
How do systems change?
By individuals taking responsibility for their own healing journey and then very intelligently standing up against destructive practices
By creating indisputably sexy alternative solutions
By stepping into positions of power and/or service with strength AND humility
…OR, (and this seems so very important) by creating meaningful collective experiences that remind us of the sacred connectedness of all beings
Whatever your choices, please know that we need all the love, wildness, beauty and sheer presence that you can muster.
We all need all that you have to offer…don’t be shy…bring it on.
And when/if you feel overwhelmed or tired, understand that your rest is crucial too. Set the reset button and change from the inside out….then sing your unique and glorious songs of change
Why Is It Important?
Ritual, voice and activism are intertwined.
When we connect with the world in a sacred way, we come to see our place in it. We find that our actions and our words matter. We may forget the impact that we have, but when we live and embody our truth, then we can speak truth to power.
When we learn to stand in our light/honor our voice/remember that our words matter, then we can change the systems that have silenced us.
When we give permission to our innate creativity, we can step into ways of being that are both effective and visionary.
Step Into Action with Sacred Activism