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Enchantment - Drumming and Chant Ritual Skills

 Suzanne returns to the Villagewitch Hive in Seattle for more skill building in singing, writing and working with chants for building powerful and gorgeous rituals. We will also dive deeper into drumming and rhythm as potent tools for raising energy.

Humans have been singing and calling out in devotion in ritual since the beginning of time and that call is both a yearning and an invitation. What holy longing calls your soul of expression up and out, with offerings and incantations to the Mysterious Ones? 

In this class we will learn wonderful ways to work with rhythm, chant and song to create ritual magic and to feel a joyful, embodied connection with Source.  We will learn 2 simple drum rhythms that can work with most chants, and we will explore ways to use rhythm as a profound magical energy raising tool.  

We will also delve deeply into the powerful world of sound and singing as we learn about the science behind our voices and how singing has been an instrument of ritual from the beginning of time.  We will learn some chants that have the power to enhance our magic and we will explore our own creative expression as ritualists through trance, movement, writing and song.  

We are all possess creativity and our voices are our birthright.  Will you dare explore the unknown in search of your imagination and inspiration?   Will you dive into your own creative devotion and open to spirit as it flows into word, story and song? 

This class is designed for folks wanting to gain musical ritual skills to enhance their lives.  There is no prior experience necessary for this class however a familiarity with Reclaiming style ritual is helpful. 

email to register

March 15

Ritual Music 101 with Suzanne and Tarin

May 2

The Earth Mysteries with Suzanne and Seraphina